Friday, March 12, 2010

My Deal of the Week at Big Lots ;)

I was at my local Big Lots last weekend and while browsing through the crafting aisle I notice these trimmer up on the top shelf. I remembered seeing these advetised on TV and in catalogs for something like $25 to 30 dollars. So at $10 - I couldn't resist. What I totally LOVE is the way you swap out the blades. I don't know about you guys, but changing out the blades in my Fiskars trimmer is like taking my life in my own hands! I've had to have a first aid kit standing by and my hubby finally bought me a little tool kit with pliers to keep me from slicing and dicing my fingers... which can really cause problems for someone who types all day long and plays the piano :) anyway- check out the video if you want to see it in action..... BTW I noticed my videos that I've posted are smaller than the youtube version, after you click the play button, if you click on the video box again it will open a new window and you can view it on youtube where it's a little larger... still learning this stuff.

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